Some New Rules

28 Feb


Radio silence. Ain’t it grand?

It’s VERY rare that I write a post that I don’t make public. About a month ago, I did. I’m not going to share it because it was from somewhere in the recesses that no one needs to know about, but I lose some of the guilt by telling you about it.

I’ve been in a funk – probably for a variety of reasons. Winter, postpartum hormones, stir-craziness, lack of sleep, lack of control, etc.

Today, it occurred to me that, minus the season and the raging of the hormones, I can fix it all by making some changes. So – a new set of rules to remind me how to live.

  1. Live moment for moment and appreciate the good you’ve been given. “The secret of happiness is to live moment by moment and to thank God for all that He, in His goodness, sends to us day after day.” – St. Gianna Molla
  2. Don’t let anxiety get the best of you. “Anxiety is the greatest evil that can befall a soul except sin. God commands you to pray, but He forbids you to worry.” St. Francis de Sales.
  3. Do not let advice from the internet or others govern how you raise your children.
  4. Be free like Jenny. Go out in the world. Do not be afraid to do things. You cannot live in fear.
  5. Listen to more music. Watch less TV.
  6. Read when you can. Read to reignite the fire to write.
  7. Have a kind heart like Cory. Be everyone’s friend. Forgive and forget all past offenses. Don’t hold onto them for the sake of mysteriousness or any other reason of vanity.
  8. Do what Grandpa Gene would do. Find something you love to do and do it. Enjoy the little things. Never say a mean word about anyone.
  9. Get at least 45 minutes of walking in a day (once the damn clocks spring forward) alone.
  10. Don’t be afraid to be alone and don’t feel guilty taking that time to be away from your kids. It’s good for them and it’s good for you.
  11. Eat better. Don’t snack off of the kids’ trays. Take care of yourself so you can love yourself again.
  12. Don’t make your body such a focus. It bore you two perfect, healthy babies and someday, maybe, it’ll be an instrument and vessel you can be proud of again.
  13. Let your kids make mistakes so that they can learn.
  14. Let your kids cry a little so that they become tough.
  15. Let your kids make messes and don’t let your desire to stop them get in the way.
  16. Quit worrying about the state of your house and quit apologizing for it. You have a toddler and a baby.
  17.  Don’t put yourself through undue stress (like driving any distance in the evening with Sutton, who screams like a banshee for 30 to 45 minutes).
  18. If you want to grow your hair out, deal with the ugly stage. Stay strong.
  19. Take care of yourself – mind, body, and soul. Just because you’re “mom” doesn’t mean you don’t need things, too.
  20. If you want a tattoo, get it. When you have the extra money and your brother’s wedding is past so that your mother doesn’t have a heart attack.
  21. Appreciate being needed and hearing “Mommy” in the middle of the night over the monitor.
  22. Pray they always come to you when they need something.
  23. Don’t concern yourself with what your friends’ kids are doing or not doing that yours are or aren’t.
  24. Don’t concern yourself with how people choose to live their lives. Just deal with your own, Mike’s, Rhett’s, and Sutton’s.
  25. Drink all the damn coffee you want.
  26. Drink only SOME of the wine that you want.
  27. Get rid of stuff you don’t need and find a way to give it to charity and not the garbage man.
  28. Show thankfulness to those who are kind to you.
  29. Understand that everyone has their burdens and responsibilities, even though it may not necessarily fit into your plans or what you want.
  30. Accept the unplanned. Not everything can be determined ahead of time.
  31. Show your kids the world. Don’t just talk about it.
  32. Take the guilt out of guilty pleasures. Listen to One Direction and anxiously await Harry Styles’ solo album while you admire every picture the young folks post on your Instagram feed.
  33. Trust in God’s provision.
  34. Pray harder. Pray more.

How’s that for a start?  Any other suggestions?

Cheers, y’all!

1 Comment

Posted by on February 28, 2017 in Daily Happenings


One response to “Some New Rules

  1. smashpumpkinslt

    February 28, 2017 at 3:21 pm

    Love love love 🙂 it makes things easier to follow when we write them down and truly put them into perspective. You’ve got this!


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